AKI-7010 AK7010 Weathering Set Trains Undercarriage

AK7010 Weathering Set Trains Undercarriage - Image 1
Produktcode: AKI-7010
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€12.58 oder 8200 Pkte.

Enthält 19% MwSt.
beim Versand ins Land: Deutschland
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Gewicht:0.15 kg
Zum Katalog hinzugefügt:1.4.2016
Verantwortliche Stelle

Das Set enthält

046 AK 046 Light Rust Wash €4.20
2032 AK 2032 Wash for Shafts and Bearings €4.20
4062 AK 4062 Light Dust Deposit €4.20

This set is specifically designed to help represent the kind of effects most usually seen on the undercarriage and wheels of trains. Contains enamel products of high quality and ease of use.

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Zum Katalog hinzugefügt: 1.4.2016
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