Matho Models

Matho Models 80027 Decal Numbers - Large, Yellow

Decal Numbers - Large, Yellow - Image 1
Hersteller: Matho Models
Produktcode: MTH-80027
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€5.67 oder 3700 Pkte.

Enthält 19% MwSt.
beim Versand ins Land: Deutschland
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Gewicht:0.02 kg
Zum Katalog hinzugefügt:19.4.2024
HerstellerMatho Models
Matho Models ERFGOEDLAAN 7 9800 DEINZE Belgien
Verantwortliche StelleMatho Models ERFGOEDLAAN 7 9800 DEINZE Belgien

Contains 1 A6 sized sheet with various water slide decals. This sheet contains large yellow digits, available in different heights. The height is listed on the sheet, so it is easy to choose the right height for your needs.

Heights included:

  • 8mm (0,31")
  • 10mm (0,39")
  • 15mm (0,59")

Suitable for all scales!


  • water-slide decals with separated film (they come off automatically one-by-one, no need to cut to the edges)
  • semi-matte finish
  • ultra-thin decal will adapt well to any surface
  • Hi-definition printing gives a crisp result, even in the smallest details
  • colors are accurate and colorfast 
  • suitable for all scales

How to use:

  • cut out a decal with a sharp knife
  • put in water for about 5 - 10 seconds to loosen the decal from its carrier paper
  • gently slide off the decal into position using tweezers
  • use decal softener (for example Micro Set & Sol) for better adhesion, especially for use on non-flat surfaces
  • use tissue paper and apply some light pressure over the decal, to remove any excess water/decal softener and fix the decal into position
  • airbrush some varnish for protection - (semi-)matte varnish can remove the glare if needed
  • start the usual weathering process to blend into your design

Note: copyright markings are not present on the actual product.

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HerstellerMatho Models
Matho Models ERFGOEDLAAN 7 9800 DEINZE Belgien
Verantwortliche StelleMatho Models ERFGOEDLAAN 7 9800 DEINZE Belgien


Produkt zawiera drobne elementy.
Nie przeznaczony dla dzieci poni¿ej 14 roku ¿ycia. U¿ywaæ pod nadzorem osoby doros³ej.
Ryzyko ud³awienia siê.
Trzymaæ z daleka od zwierz±t.

Zum Katalog hinzugefügt: 19.4.2024
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