ADH Publishing 073 How to Build Tamiya's Motorcycles in 1:12 Scale

How to Build Tamiyas Motorcycles in 1:12 Scale - Image 1
Hersteller: ADH Publishing
Produktcode: ADH-073
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Zuletzt verfügbar: 26.1.2024
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Gewicht:0.30 kg
Zum Katalog hinzugefügt:26.1.2024
HerstellerADH Publishing
ADH Publishing
Verantwortliche StellePJB Hobby Sp. z o.o. Kozmice Wielkie 781 32-020 Wieliczka Polen

How to Build Tamiya's Motorcycles

Our new book on building motorcycles by resident expert on Tamiya Model Magazine Keith Bristow shows you how to achieve the very best results that Keith is known for.

Using Tamiya models Keith shows techniques for painting, weathering and superdetailing to create the amazing models seen in TMMI. This book gives all the hints and tips needed for all types of bikes from road to racing and all the techniques are relevant to the latest models. Super high quality photography and easy to follow step-by-step guides make this the unmissable book to have when building bikes or even cars.

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HerstellerADH Publishing
ADH Publishing
Verantwortliche StellePJB Hobby Sp. z o.o. Kozmice Wielkie 781 32-020 Wieliczka Polen


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