Start UBF15 U-Boot im Focus Edition No.15

U-Boot im Focus Edition No.15 - Image 1
Hersteller: Start
Produktcode: SRT-UBF15
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€32.65 oder 21300 Pkte.

Enthält 19% MwSt.
beim Versand ins Land: Deutschland
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Gewicht:0.26 kg
Zum Katalog hinzugefügt:6.3.2024
Tags:Type-IX-submarine Type-VII-submarine Type-XXI-submarine
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U-Boot im Focus Edition No 15

- 58 pages with 63 photos - thereof 13
in colour, 1 coloured document,
1 coloured conning tower sideview,
2 coloured boat-sideviews, 3 maps,
Readers Forum

- Unusual: The Commander Lends a Hand
- Boat in Focus: U-84 The Story of a Boat
Patrols off Newfoundland, America and
in the Caribbean
- Documents: The Krupp Germaniawerft AG's
Knight's Cross Certificate
- Conning Towers: U-431 One-Off
Camouflage Scheme in the Mediterranean
- Fates: The Last Photos and the Last
Voyage of Kptlt. Schepke (U-100)
- Photos with a Story: U-Boat Code
Names in the Bases at St. Nazaire and
La Pallice
- Scenery: A Look into the Conning Tower
- Cap Badges: U-50's Big "Whale" Cap
- Interior Shots: U-109

- as well as photos of U-437, U-561, U-65,
U-237 and further informations

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Zum Katalog hinzugefügt: 6.3.2024
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